pierre marmy



Authors of the Project:

as members of la–clique : Charline Dayer, Claartje Vurmaans, Jonas Meylan, Mathilde Berner, Sarem Sunderland, Sven Högger, Pierre Marmy


Pierre Marmy

Inspired by the logic of Snakes and Ladders, the project encourages the public to leave traditional paths, creating their own routes and interactions with the site.

The interventions redefine access and movement within the park: a permanent gateway plays with the boundary between public and private; a handrail guides visitors over rocky terrain, transforming an obstacle into a passage; a staircase discreetly connects previously disconnected paths; and an opening in a hedge becomes a new point of entry, encouraging exploration.

By weaving together these small, thoughtful gestures, the project reflects on our perception of the landscape, notions of accessibility, and the interplay between private and public space.