pierre marmy



Publishing house:


Authors of the texts:

Marine de Dardel , Baptiste Frei

Authors of the Project:

ALIAS, Arnaud Bostelmann, Comte/Meuwly, Inter, Kitchuan, Pierre Marmy


Pierre Marmy, Arnaud Bostelmann

A solar cooking device for gatherings

It is quite simple: the device follows the sun and surrenders to its power. It rotates alongside the sun path, harnesses the sunrays, reflects them concentrated onto a focal point and converts them to heat. With the heat we shall cook, boil water, steam vegetables, bake bread or dry herbs. When the sun sets, it is time to depart, when the sun returns, we will gather around the device, and celebrate its power. Electryone invites you to engage with energy, its production and consumption in a participatory way.