pierre marmy


l’autre berne

Graphic Design:

André Freiermuth

Publishing House:

André Freiermuth Typography


Pierre Marmy

Schwabgut, Kleefeld, Fellergut, Tscharnergut, Bethlehem, Holenacker, Gäbelbach, or Murifeld are neighborhoods in Bern that seem like relics frozen in time, witnesses to a hopeful future that was never fully realized. These concrete jungles bear traces of a not-so-distant past—ephemeral, forgotten by many. They represent a collection of « heteroclite utopias, » where what once seemed like the very essence of modernity now evokes surprise and discomfort. What do the certainties upon which our values are built truly amount to?

The photographs explore the surreal world of these districts, where perception is disoriented and challenged. The subjects captured are not idealized to elicit our empathy but are instead staged to extract their almost mystical and alienating presences. The viewpoints wander and meander, depicting the landscapes produced during this era—artificial, peripheral, transparent. They evoke a kind of second nature.