Authors of the Project:
as members of la–clique : Axel Chevroulet, Amalia Bonsack, Anna MacIver-Ek, Jonas Meylan, Mathilde Berner, Pierre Marmy
Pierre Marmy
For the Bivouac contemporary exhibition in Lausanne, the intervention invited visitors to explore the cardiovascular system of La Rasude, a complex site destined for significant transformations.
The invisible technical installations on the site reflect its great spatial and structural complexity. Today, multiple alterations to the buildings have rendered some elements obsolete, disjointing this organism. The presence of these remnants evokes memories of once-bustling activity and calls for new interpretations. Through a series of in situ experiences, la–clique reanimates the old air blower, the true steel lung of the building. Pink smoke is propelled through the complex network of ducts, sparking visitors’ curiosity as it escapes from a ventilation grille, a pipe, a crack, or a chimney. The invisible connections between spaces are thus magnified, leading to an intuitive and phenomenological understanding of the site as a living organism.
With the rhythm of the visits, like a breath, the interventions interact not only with the journey through the building but also extend beyond the site itself, resonating within the public spaces of the city.